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Writer's pictureDana Wade, Coach

Christ Is the One Who Makes All Things New

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

Back in June the Lord began to speak to me about looking back over the last six months with him, to see what he had been up to. Normally that’s something I do with him at the end of every year. That’s a part of prophetic function. We look back with God to get the hindsight for the insight and foresight we need. However, I was not expecting the Lord to say this to me midway through this year in June.

As I postured myself in prayer, the Lord took me all the way back to December of 2021, where I sensed he was preparing us and the world for another time of reset. Once again the scripture from Proverbs came to me as a relevant scripture for 2022.

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I’ve learned to slow down in my interpretation of Scripture. I’ve learned the purpose of hindsight. For so long the prophetic movement has been one of prediction, mainly of future world events; and there are elements of that in prophetic function, but it is not the entirety of it. Revelations says the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy- it is the revealing of Jesus and what he’s doing-in us and around us and what he's already done. None of us know fully what God is up to, but he does give us glimpses, so we can more fully partner with him.

The Bible says we see in part, know in part and prophesy in part. So today I wanted to share the “part” I sense Now.

I see God doing new and fresh things in and for his people. Fresh starts are here for many of his people. God is lining things up for you and putting things in order-especially in you. It is for your good. God is perfecting us in his image. He is setting things right in and for you. God desires to heal his people right now. Body and soul. Peace especially stands out to me. God is restoring your peace as he heals you from past traumas and anxieties. He’s working on your behalf and on the inside of you so you experience him in wholeness and so your faith is renewed in a new way. We all need our faith renewed when God comes to do new things in and through us. God started things in us long ago and he is here now returning you to some things he intended long ago.

In other words, God is restoring many of you to the original purpose and call on your life. His love is making you whole and making the way forward for you. I also sense that God is visiting many and restoring them to health. Why? Because we are body and soul and because no one knows where the soul ends and the body begins, when God heals our souls our bodies have to respond.

Do you need your mental health restored? Do you need your physical health restored? I know I do and I’m looking for him to do it -right now. Our emotions, feelings, minds and bodies are all interconnected and at times we all need healing in those areas.

God is doing fresh things in you.

““Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:18-19‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The word new here is “fresh”. For several years I prophesied this scripture as often as the Lord would lay it on my heart.

When God declares a thing we must realize that he’s calling us forward, into what he is and will be doing. He’s giving us the heads up so as to prepare. The new thing may or may not come all at once- it may come in pieces, like a puzzle. It will then require us to seek after him as he puts all the pieces together for us. It will definitely require us looking back with him to see how he’s already been at work in and among us. But if we patiently endure, as he puts each piece in place, and not lose hope, the picture will eventually be clear and we will be able to comprehend what he’s been up to.

The key right now for us is to stay humble as he does his work in us. I sense God is also going before you right now so let him do what he needs to do and stay humble and moldable as you wait.

The fact that you’re even perceiving this fresh work, is your first indication that he’s doing something new in you, so slow down with him and allow patience to have its perfect work in you this month.

In August and September, He is leading many besides still waters-to refresh their souls. Many have felt a confinement that has been hard. Many people in soul and body have felt what seems to be a narrow and restrictive place.

Many of you are tired and need a refreshing drink like the woman at the well. Our souls need a drink from the Master. Your story may not be like hers, but it’s an amazing story of God’s love and redemption and he’s doing that now. God is redeeming the times for many of his beloved children right now-just like he did for her.

In this new time you will need His character, strength, renewal and focus, to carry you to the new heights that he prepared for you, so slow down and rest this month to get that strength. Pay attention to how he’s leading you in the ancient paths of solitude and rest.

August 2022 and beyond, God will be suddenly turning things around for many in the Kingdom of God. Sudden good breaks are coming for those who have allowed his pruning process to take place in their lives.


In the early 2000’s I was given a vision for ministry from the Lord, but I was not ready for that vision. I needed to grow and mature and be conditioned and prepared to govern that vision. I had to go through a lot of ups and downs and a lot of pruning and training and humbling, before I was ready. It has taken 20 years for me, and yet my training and maturation process IS STILL ongoing. It is like this for all of us. And it won’t be completed until we see Jesus face-to-face.

We don’t all of a sudden arrive at perfection just because we name the name of Jesus as savior. I’ve shared with many people that I’ve learned more through my failures, not my successes; that’s often times our training grounds with God. It’s all throughout scripture with those he chose.

So don’t give up hope no matter where you are in your maturation process, because God is doing something fresh in you right now. He’s doing something new in you right now. Don’t look at the way he’s done it before. That was his encouragement to Isaiah the prophet. He was reminding them, don’t look at the exodus story or the creation story, because what I’m doing can’t be compared to what I did before it in your life.

We walk by faith-not by sight right? I do perceive it like Isaiah said. Do you? What are you perceiving but can’t explain right now? If that’s you get ready to partner with him and his eternal plan’s.

I share this prophetic insight today with you so you will not lose hope. God wants to restore your hope today. He wants to restore your confidence in him as the one who guides your steps, and processes, and fulfills his promises. He is the one who is over your times and seasons and has planned things for you long ago. He planned this to be a time of healing, refreshing, restoration, and deliverance. He chose how he would mature you and prosper you-it wasn’t left up to you; and he has never left you without help or hope. He loves you deeply as the author and finisher of your faith-and your story.

Because God does not move at our pace, we often have to slow down to the speed of now to recognize his involvement. We are in such a moment right now. So slow down my friends and let God be God. Let him lead you beside still waters this month.

That’s where some of you are right now.

Be expecting him to act this month on your behalf, if you’re someone like me who’s been on the edge of hope. Be expecting him to show up for you in unexpected ways-GOOD WAYS, GOD WAYS. Because he is the God of your story. The God of love, hope and restoration. He is the God who will do exceedingly and abundantly beyond what you could ever ask or imagine. TRUST AND BELIEVE.

With love,


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