If you have sensed you’ve been in a holding pattern, stuck in place or in a wilderness season, waiting for God to show you what’s next, then this is probably for you.
God is going to send some of you OUT- like you’ve never been sent out before.
SENDING YOU OUT to new places and sending you out in NEW WAYS!
He’s going to express himself through you in ways you’ve never experienced him or you have expressed him before.
He’s highlighting to me SENT ONES!
He wants you to IDENTIFY yourself with him and not yourself because he’s forming a new IDENTITY in you and he’s going to express himself through you in ways that you’ve not operated in before.
It’s not that he won’t use some of the other ways as he did before but he’s forming NEW ones as well.
New beginnings are about to open up for many of you.
July is a key month for many of you!
And let me encourage you NOT to be seduced by what feels good now. This is the month in scripture that Rueben lost his inheritance through the seduction of what felt good in the moment.
Side note: In times of being in the wilderness you will look for comfort in all kinds of ways. Guard yourself against comfort from other sources other than God.
Those comforts are snares; areas of idolatry, where you look outside of God to bring you comfort!
So ask the Lord to give you revelation about how to move forward into this new beginning. Ask him for strategies to unlock the new. These could be things like fasting to empty yourself and humble yourself.
He has brought many of you through some very difficult times over the last 10+ years and now it’s a TIME to step into the the new things.
Allow him to release you from fear and anxiety as he begins to express himself in new ways through you.
Take a deep breath and allow the Holy Spirit to breathe in you new life and new power- AS YOU WORSHIP HIM!
Rely on HIS GRACE and REST IN HIS LOVE FOR YOU, as he releases through you -the “new” things.
Over this next month as he begins forming these new things in you, CHOOSE to WAIT and TRUST in the Lord, as he brings you through your narrow place.
Everything leading up to this time has been your training ground. That’s why what God is about to do in you, you’re probably NOT going to have a reference place for.
His light is about to shine in you and through you in ways that you don’t have any idea about-DESTINY AWAITS YOU!
That’s his glory arising over you!!
Key scriptures:
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14 NIV
““Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” Isaiah 60:1 NIV
“Surely he will save you from the fowler’s SNARE and from the deadly pestilence.” Psalm 91:3 NIV