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  • Writer's pictureDana Wade, Coach



The last few weeks have been an ongoing process of identifying and cleansing our souls by taking steps to freedom. This week I want us to look at how we need others to help us walk it out to completion. We can do much of the soul work ourselves as we partner with Holy Spirit, but there is a part of the process that requires the help of those more knowledgeable than us. The voice of our accuser is often the loudest when our souls have been traumatized and the only way we can recognize that voice is reaching out to receive insight from others.

"You got this on your own is a lie"

This lie must be squashed because you can't hear the voice of Truth if you don't identify your own voice or the voice of the accuser. Isolation, rejection and all other wounds, positions us to be deceived. A lack of accountability and counsel will allow hell to continue it's barrage on your mind, with all sorts of lies and garbage. We need people we can trust to walk out of the pain, and into freedom.

Sometimes the memories from past traumas are so repressed that we need help retrieving them. Deep wounds and traumatic events from our past can many times go undetected because we can't initially deal with it, especially if it was very painful and was long in duration. But if we never allow the pain to surface, then the wounds remain infected, oozing it's poison throughout the fabric our everyday lives, and eventually determining our future. Some of the ways we manifest our pain is in new relationships, and if we don't deal with the root issues, we end up self-sabotaging and continuing the cycle of wounding others. Unfortunately, we can't even trust our own ability to make decisions when we are wounded and enslaved. Our thoughts and perceptions are clouded from the infestations those wounds have caused. Those infestations take on many forms but without exception fear of rejection, is one of the main culprits that manifest first. It presents itself as outward and inward-rejection, insecurity, unbelief, doubt, and mistrust, to name a few and it will even weave itself into the fabric of our personality and then we don't know what is us and what is the trauma.

When we begin looking at fear and other aspects of deliverance we must look at the heart of the problem. When people hurt us, it may initially bring sadness or depression, but if left unattended or unnoticed that sadness can take a turn toward bitterness, unforgivness and eventually rebellion.

The paths we choose to walk many times lead us further from the Lord because we don't want to deal with the pain. We attempt to forge ahead in good faith, but we stumble along the way because the pain is still treading with us. This is where we make substitutes for God, leading us into all forms of idolatry.

This is the perfect week to begin taking the final steps towards deliverance. You may need a season of healing and deliverance where you meet regularly with someone, and I would ask you to consider this in prayer with the Lord. Depending on the depth of your pain and trauma, you can put a plan in place to receive the wholeness you desire.

God used Moses to deliver an entire nation and he will use someone in your delivery and healing process too. Seasoned ministers and ministries help us by holding us accountable all the while loving us to wholeness. I know it takes courage to ask for help seeing what you may be blind to, but as you take this step of humility it could be the most important step you take towards experiencing real freedom and breakthrough.

As you pray about reaching out for assistance let me encourage you to do a few things to activate the process:

  1. Watch your speech which provides the ability to express your deepest thoughts and feelings

  2. Praise your way out from under heaviness and grief while thanking God for your plan of deliverance-get radical in your praise

  3. Take time to repent and forgive others and yourself

  4. Ask the Lord to blow a fresh wind upon you to heal

  5. Guard your covenant relationships against offense

  6. Declare that the blood of Jesus is enough in your life

  7. Ask God for His redemptive plan for your life and begin taking steps

  8. Celebrate Passover this week

  9. Submit to Godly counsel

  10. Thank the Lord that he is always delivering you

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need help. I do not charge but I do ask you to prayerfully sow a seed towards the work of this ministry.

You can email me at: and start your journey to wholeness today.

Blessings to you all dear ones as you go through passion week, remembering the salvation healing and deliverance of our Passover Lamb-Jesus Christ..

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