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Writer's picture: Dana WadeDana Wade

Updated: May 14, 2019

God wants to overwhelm the very thing that is overwhelming you-AS YOU SURRENDER TO THE POWER OF HIS GRACE!

“My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds it’s full expression through your weakness.”

“So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I am weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me. So I’m not defeated by my weakness, but delighted!” 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 TPT

We will never experience the full expression of God’s power while we sit in the driver’s seat.

Other than God, nobody knows you like you do-you know the areas of your greatest struggles that need surrendering to power of God- only then can you experience the fullness of His power at work in your life-spirit, soul and body.

The question is this-have you arrived at the destination of knowing how much you need his grace and power yet?

Maybe you are going through a trial right now and need His grace… but know this- God will ALLOW you to walk through difficult times even if it means you experience temporary discomfort.

He is not concerned with your comfort as much as he is concerned with you being transformed into the image of His Son Jesus.

This momentary affliction in your life will produce something of a far greater eternal value, IF you allow the grace of God to work in you, through you and FOR you.



At times these areas of surrender will require you to trust God through other people.

For many people reading this-this is one of your greatest areas of struggle that needs surrendering to God.

God wants you living in community with other people in the faith-it’s one of the ways you experience God and learn from others.

LET OTHERS HELP YOU- especially in hard times.


Do you always have to be right or are you strong enough on your own?

In the past, pride has kept me from experiencing the power of God in my marriage and other relationships.

Being vulnerable with others requires you to let your guard down and let others in. Trust me when I say that God’s grace will be present as you let others into the deepest parts of your heart and life.

If you struggle with being vulnerable with God or others let me encourage to begin taking baby steps. IT WILL FREE YOU UP!

For obvious reasons you can’t be vulnerable with everyone but God will show you who you can trust, if you ask him.


Whatever area that causes anxiety within you, is the area the enemy does not want you surrendering to God. 

This is where you know God wants to demonstrate his power most in your life.

Don’t let what you’ve always done keep you from experiencing what you have never experienced before.

Hebrews 11:6 “And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who passionately seek him.

God will reward you the more you pursue Him and surrender to Him.


PRACTICE letting go this week. Let God and people into your weak places and trust that God’s grace is indeed enough!

Amazing grace how sweet the sound…….how precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed!

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