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Writer's pictureDana Wade


Updated: May 14, 2019



The bible says in Psalms 37:5-“Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust Him along the way you’ll find he pulled if off perfectly!”

vs. 23 of the same chapter says-“The steps of the God-pursuing ones follow firmly in the footsteps of the Lord, and God delights in every step they take to follow Him.”TPT

Growing up in church we sang a song:

Where he leads me I will follow. Where he leads me I will follow. Where he leads me I will follow. I’ll go with him, with him, all the way.

This year without a doubt has been one of those years for following Jesus like never before for me. He has been leading me in ways I never would have thought, but nonetheless-leading me.

He led me this past week through an unusual invitation to travel.

My son Michael asked me and my fellow minister in Christ, Tammy Bunch, to travel with him to Roanoke. Without hesitation, Tammy and I both knew God was leading us.

Three other times last week, the Lord led us to to visit his people in the hospital and we knew he was leading us again, although we did not know in what way.

We jumped at the opportunity to spend time with Michael and enjoy Elevation Church in Roanoke. Following an incredible message and worship time at church we left for lunch.

Halfway through lunch I realized I had not checked my phone for a while.

I had received a text a few hours earlier that I had not seen and it took me off guard. I paused so much so as I processed the seriousness of the text that it alarmed both Michael and Tammy.

The message revealed that a young family member of ours was in serious condition and in ICU at the hospital just moments from where we were.

In that moment we knew why the Lord had prompted Michael to invite us to a church service 1.5 hours from home.

Michael payed our bill and we left for the hospital as quickly as we could. The Lord so generously showed up in that ICU room just moments later as we prayed for an unusually quick recovery for our young cousin. He also gave us opportunity to encourage his mom and dad and love on them for a bit before heading home for the day.

We left that hospital knowing our steps had again been so divinely ordered that week.

I continue this morning to sit here reflecting on all the ways the Lord led us TO GO last week.

Tammy and I have embarked on a new adventure in the Lord this year and the echo and song from heaven continues to ring loud and clear this year -GO!!!!

Each of our mandates and missions as Christ followers will look different indeed-but it will never change:

“As you go into all the world, preach openly the wonderful news of the gospel to the entire human race……and these miracle signs will accompany those who believe: Thy will drive out demons in the power of my name. They will speak in tongues. They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous. And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.” Mark 16:15, 17-18 TPT

God is simply looking for our willingness to say yes to how he’s moving in the earth. Are you ready and willing to go? How far are you willing to GO?

We must not stay complacent anymore to how he desires to use us as his followers. God wants to breathe new life in our dry bones and his Spirit is calling us. Are you awakened to his whisper?

Don’t forget-church isn’t just a structure you attend on Sunday mornings-YOU ARE THE CHURCH.

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